Mary Help of Christians Catholic College
Phoenix Constructions were engaged for the building of the new Mary Help of Christian Catholic College.
Mendi were engaged by Phoenix as a subcontractor to undertake:
Mendi were engaged by Phoenix as a subcontractor to undertake:
- Earthworks for the carpark pavements – subgrade prep, install subsoil and flush out points, and place and compact subbase pavement 200mm type 2.3.
- Stormwater site and external water, install water main from connection.
- Install sewer pump station and rising main – 150mm dia pip to pump station, 11m stub to future and 2m long 225mm connections to holding tank. Installation of pump station 2.0m internal dia and 6.31m depth. Installation of Mullaly T50 – 50.85kl storage tank including excavation, backfill materials and connections. Install 110mm dia PN. Connection to existing DN300 rising main, sluice valve and check valve.