NDRRA Causeway Road Grading
Relocate and remove existing road furniture.
Earthworks to reprofile existing road including disposal of existing material Road Pavement Type 2.3 Gravel Modified 3% Cement by mass 250mmthick (PQ).
Road approaches to causeway including earthworks and 250 mm Type 2.3 Gravel modified 3% by mass 6m wide Earth table drains Two coat bitumen seal to modified pavement.
Road Edge Guidepost.
Earthworks to reprofile existing road including disposal of existing material Road Pavement Type 2.3 Gravel Modified 3% Cement by mass 250mmthick (PQ).
Road approaches to causeway including earthworks and 250 mm Type 2.3 Gravel modified 3% by mass 6m wide Earth table drains Two coat bitumen seal to modified pavement.
Road Edge Guidepost.