St Benedict's School, Bulk Earthworks (Future Stage)
After completion of the External Roadworks at the St Benedict’s Catholic School, Shaw, Mendi were further engaged to undertake bulk earthworks for the future Mary Help of Christians Catholic College to be built on Bishop Putney Drive across from the St Benedict’s school.
The bulk earthworks package consisted of preparing the site and setting our soil erosion controls including 6 rock check dams, 350m sediment fence, 400m diversion drain, 60m rock bunds, 15,000m2 hydromulch application and installation of 375dia RCP class 4 pipe to eastern sediment basin.
The 19,125m2 site was to be cleared, grubbed and mulched. Bulk earthworks consisted of topsoil stripping 100mm depth to approximately 50% of existing site (5ha) and the new 1.9ha section. Cut and fill to areas across the site. Removal of the temporary access road (constructed as part of the original Mendi contract) condition and place select fill layers on building pads and underside of future road pavements.
The bulk earthworks package consisted of preparing the site and setting our soil erosion controls including 6 rock check dams, 350m sediment fence, 400m diversion drain, 60m rock bunds, 15,000m2 hydromulch application and installation of 375dia RCP class 4 pipe to eastern sediment basin.
The 19,125m2 site was to be cleared, grubbed and mulched. Bulk earthworks consisted of topsoil stripping 100mm depth to approximately 50% of existing site (5ha) and the new 1.9ha section. Cut and fill to areas across the site. Removal of the temporary access road (constructed as part of the original Mendi contract) condition and place select fill layers on building pads and underside of future road pavements.